Flake8 - Octo-Ninja Linter

Main point

Flake8 combines so much linter-power under the hood of a single tool! If used correctly, it will make your code not only more consistent, but simply better (and more pythonic 🐍).

  • Flake8 is a wrapper around three tools:

    1. PyFlakes - checks for Python errors.
    2. pycodestyle - tests Python code against some of the style conventions in PEP 8.
    3. McCabe - analyses Python code complexity (see the next section for more details).
  • Flake8 is configurable, where specific setup can be pointed in a couple of ways.

    • You may find preconfigured .flake8 in Big-Bang-py.
  • There is an abundance of plugins greatly extending capability of Flake8. Search for them on GitHub.

    • A bunch of plugins are included in Flake8 configuration of Big-Bang-py. See all flake8-* packages in dev.in file.
    • An interesting example is flake8-html, which generates readable Flake8 HTML report (works similar to coverage html).
  • It is recommended to include Flake8 in your linting Invoke task and also to run it during Pre-commit Git Hook. Example of both can be found in Big-Bang-py, see project.py and Pre-commit.

  • To manage edge cases, exclude Flake8 checking:

    1. per code line;
    2. per entire file;
    3. per combination of file & error code;
    4. per particular error.

    Option 3 & 4 are best set in Flake8 config. See an example below:

    ignore =
        # C408: Unnecessary (dict/list/tuple) call - rewrite as a literal
        # Calling directly dict/list/tuple is more obvious & explicit, making it
        # easier to read.
        # C812 missing trailing comma
        # Experience shows that this can be seriously inconvenient.
    per-file-ignores =
      ci/ci_checks.py: T001
      tasks/release.py: T001