Dependencies Management

Main point

Use a combo of virtualenv and pip-tools to manage Python app dependencies.

There are two general approaches to Python app dependencies management:

  1. Use a classic combination of virtualenv + requirements.
  2. Use some “fancy” new tool like Pipenv or Poetry.

If we go with option number 1, we will miss some truly powerful features, such as:

  • clean & simple approach to deterministic, hash-based builds;
  • easy management of multi-tier dependencies (like base, dev, tests, prod split);
  • clear separation of main dependencies from sub-dependecies.

On the other hand, new alternatives are usually very bloated, slow and extremely opinionated.

That is why a fusion of virtualenv and pip-tools is so powerful. It seems to offer the best of two worlds:

  • It is fast.

  • It is based on good, old virtualenv.

  • It is based on good, old requirements… with a twist! We put the actual dependencies in and pip-tools compiles actual dependencies with all sub-dependencies into their locked, hashed versions in requirements.txt.

    In result, we have simple to manage, hash-based, deterministic builds. Nice!

So give it a try. The sooner you start, the sooner you will fall in love with it 💚

Proposed workflow


# Below approach seems to be the simplest and the most effective way to handle virtualenvs.
# 1. It doesn't clutter your filesystem.
# 2. You always know the location and the name of the environment.
# 3. PyCharm happily finds the virtualenv as soon as you open the project.
# 4. It just works. No need for virtualenvwrappers, burritos, Bash aliases, etc.
> virtualenv venv

> source venv/bin/activate

# Don't you dare using pip-tools from the root Python environment!
# Always use the version from the virtualenv that is locked in your main dependencies file.
# See:
> pip install pip-tools

# Assumption for the next steps:
# You have already prepared dependencies files and in ./requirements/abstract
> pip-compile \
    --generate-hashes \
    --output-file \
    requirements/locked/base.txt \
> pip-compile \
    --generate-hashes \
    --output-file \
    requirements/locked/dev.txt \
> pip-sync requirements/locked/dev.txt
# You can handle the above shell commands via Invoke tasks.
# See an example:
  • Big-Bang-py is based on the above workflow.

  • Remember that both abstract and locked dependencies should be checked in the Git repository.

  • If you want to have a deterministic build (e.g. in Docker container), Python app dependencies are installed as simple as:

    pip install -r requirements/locked/*YOUR_REQUIREMENTS_FILE*.txt