
To start your new Python project, it is recommended to use Big-Bang-py Cookiecutter, as it follows the ideas and principles of Here-Be-Pythons!

Moreover, it is maintained by the very same authors 😊, so both projects are promised to be kept in sync 💫.


# Generate a new project.
> cookiecutter gh:CapedHero/big-bang-py

# Answer all of the prompted questions.
# Brackets show default options. Click <enter> if you wish to accept them.
project_name [My New Project]: ???
project_dir  [my-new-project]: ???
project_source_code_dir [src]: ???

# Finish with:
> ./finish_project_setup
> ./invoke_bash_completion \
      && rm -f invoke_bash_completion \
      && source $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/activate

And voilà! You are ready to code!